Powerful: Life Without Fear

Recognize your power so that you can live courageously and confidently.

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Hi there,

If you’re like me, you recognize that in some way, shape, or form, we all deal with fear in lives. I know I have! The fact is that not all fear looks or even feels like fear when we’re in the midst of it. It can creep in, in the most subtle of ways. However, when it is motivating our lives, fear sabotages us and causes us to function as the opposite of our true nature.

In our time together, I want to see you discover and walk in your innate power as a human being, as a child of God, and as someone with a unique contribution that only you can give. You see, not only has God given us the spiritual authority to cast out fear, but He has also equipped our literal brains to re-wire fear-based thoughts and habits with powerful, faith and truth-based neuro networking.

As we begin to walk in our power, we can choose not to be fear’s victim any longer and be released to walk in freedom, life, and purity in our identity and purpose. Come join me as we take back our power and live courageously and confidently both inside and out!

- Dr. Melodye Hilton

Course Trailer

"This course on fear has completely changed how I go about my daily life. It has opened my eyes to see how much fear has controlled me from walking out the call that God has for me. This course is much needed for anyone who has let fear keep them from fully living."

- Jane

Fear is not afraid that you have a purpose, but it is terrified that you will fulfill it! When God created man and woman, He positioned them with power and identity and there was no fear as they walked in their God-given purpose. After fear entered their world and ever since, it has crippled and clouded the hearts and minds of mankind.

This course will help you to not only recognize where fear is operating in your life, but also give you practical principles and applications so that you can take back your power over fear. Learn how you can become fear's greatest nightmare by walking in your power, re-training your brain in truth, and silencing the lies of the enemy in your life.


  • The power of self-governance
  • How to debunk the power of fear
  • How become fear's worst nightmare
  • The Scientific process of thought
  • How to better understand & lead your mind world
  • Learn keys to avoid emotional hijacking


  • 21 Video Lessons with Dr. Melodye Hilton
  • Printable & Downloadable Lesson Notes
  • Practical Activation Assignments
  • Extra Videos from Your Teacher
  • Curated Extra Videos from Other Voices
  • Exclusive Bonus Content

"This course has been life changing on so many avenues for me. It has been perspective changing for me. Honestly, I will have to go back over all the material, it is just so good!"

- Tina

Your Instructor

Dr. Melodye Hilton
Dr. Melodye Hilton

Dr. Melodye Hilton works with individuals and workgroups around the globe as a leadership consultant, Master CVI Trainer, Certified Axiogenics Executive Partner, and executive coach. Her recognition extends over all ages, socio-economic, and educational backgrounds through her work in corporate and local business, government, and public and private educational sectors.

She and her husband, Steven, pioneered Giving Light–a local church and global outreach–in the heart of Central Pennsylvania. 40 years later, they have learned that when you obey God’s leading, “you can reach the world from anywhere.” They continue to see God’s hand at work within the vision to equip all ages to discover their God-given identity and activate their unique personal purpose.

Dr. Melodye served Christian International, founded by Bishop Bill Hamon, for 30 years. Since 2006, she has also served on the faculty of Randy Clark’s, Global Awakening School of Ministry, teaching the second-year prophetic track and presenting her signature leadership training. Both Melodye and Steven are ordained through the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening (ANGA).

She is the author of three books, Unmasking Prejudice, Double Honor: Uprooting Shame in Your Life, and Higher Living Leadership. In addition, Dr. Hilton has founded the #StopDevaluation Movement to stop the narrative of devaluation and spread the message of love, hope, and validation. She also founded the Voice of Justice Foundation, a philanthropic effort to be a voice of hope, a hand of rescue, and an instrument of justice to those in need.

She has traveled nationally and internationally ministering, training, consulting, and coaching. She is the mother of two grown children and three active grandchildren.

"This course is one of the most important things that I have done. It has raised a yellow flag within me to move very strategically looking for how fear is attempting to manifest itself in my daily life."

- Gwen

Course Curriculum

"This course was like a breath of life, giving me hope, giving me tools, and empowering me."

- Joy

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will I have access to the course?
You will have lifetime access to the eCourse for as long as it is available in our school.
How do I access this course?
This course is entirely online, so you can access it by logging in anywhere you have internet connection. This includes supporting mobile devices. Please refrain from sharing your password with others.
When does this course start and finish?
Once enrolled, you will receive access to the full course all at once. We recommend taking 6 weeks to go through the materials in order to fully digest and practice the content. However, you are free to move through the lessons at your preferred pace.
Who has access to the course?
This training is available for individual access and group viewing. Individual access purchases allow one person to access the materials online. Group viewing purchase allows one user to access the materials online, but gives permission to also show the contents in a live group setting.

"I saw results everyday and it is so exciting!"

- Rebecca

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