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Powerful: Life Without Fear
Week 01: Self-Governance
Lesson 01.a Self-Governance Part 1 (15:13)
Lesson 01.b Self-Governance Part 2 (20:02)
Lesson 01.c Self-Governance Part 3 (11:09)
Activation 01
Do not be moved by distractions, accusations, or threats - Dr. Melodye Hilton (4:05)
BONUS: Get Up and Do It Again | a Message by Pastor Joel Hilton
BONUS: I Can Handle It - Motivational Track from Steven Furtick
BONUS: Do it Afraid! | Havilah Cunnington | Bethel Church
Week 02: Debunking the Power of Fear
02.a Debunking the Power of Fear Part 1 (19:54)
02.b Debunking the Power of Fear Part 2 (14:59)
02.c Debunking the Power of Fear Part 3 (16:37)
Activation 02
Power, love, and a sound mind - Dr. Melodye Hilton (1:54)
BONUS: Overcoming Fear of Rejection - Dr. Sandie Freed (7:02)
BONUS: Fear Does Not Belong to You - Machelle Joseph (7:09)
Week 03: Becoming Fear's Worst Nightmare
03.a Becoming Fear's Worst Nightmare Part 1 (21:01)
03.b Becoming Fear's Worst Nightmare Part 2 (23:16)
03.c Becoming Fear's Worst Nightmare Part 3 (16:22)
Activation 03
Do not negotiate with terrorists - Dr. Melodye Hilton (5:37)
BONUS: The Empowering Baptism of the Holy Spirit
BONUS: Facing Fear | Havilah Cunnington | Bethel Church
BONUS: Don't Allow Your Life To Be Controlled By These 5 Things
Week 04: Overcoming Fear as Higher Living Leaders
04 Note from your mentor (1:54)
04a Higher Living Leaders: The Head, The Hand, The Heart (19:49)
04b Proper Self Assesment (16:34)
04c A Literal Structure of the Brain (9:05)
Activation 04
Levels of Fear - Dr. Melodye Hilton (6:04)
BONUS: 5 Ways To Fight Anxiety | Pastor Steven Furtick
Week 05: The Process of Thought
05a We Are in a Battle (8:50)
05b Magic Trees: Where Memory is Stored (15:48)
05c The Simple Process of Thought (15:58)
Activation 05
BONUS: Matthew McConaughey | 5 Minutes for the NEXT 50 Years of Your LIFE
BONUS: Reprogramming your brain to overcome fear: Olympia LePoint at TEDxPCC
BONUS: Neuroplasticity
Week 06: Emotional Hijacking
06a Emotional Hijacking (22:41)
06b What Can We Do? (6:34)
06c Lifestyle of Forgiveness (10:33)
06d Hope for Change (6:59)
06e Good News: You have a CHOICE (4:30)
Activation 06
BONUS: Emotional Hijacking with Jerome Joseph (7:13)
BONUS: Why Do We Lose Control of Our Emotions?
BONUS: Forgiveness with Machelle Joseph (9:19)
BONUS: Forgiveness with Jerome Joseph (3:35)
BONUS: Detoxing Your Mind: An Interview With Dr. Caroline Leaf
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BONUS: Why Do We Lose Control of Our Emotions?
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